Monday, February 16, 2009

The Same Just Different

"The same just different" that is what you hear most of the missionaries say alot here, Diane and I are also beginning to pick up on that saying. The weather here is the same as in NC just different it is hotter more dry, the meat here is the same just different pork? and beef? just does not taste the same, but we are getting accustom to it. I could go on and on about the differences here but I think you all get the point but there is one thing here that is the same people are hurting they have needs, wants,desires they want to be loved just like people all over the world wants love. And yes there is something else here that is the same all over the world and universe for that matter and that is GOD, He is the same as He was yesterday and will be the same tomorrow. God wants the same for His precious people in Swaziland as He does in any other place in the world, for them to Know Him through knowing His son The Lord Jesus, and by the grace of God we are going to make sure they do just that to know the love of God and what He has done for them through His son Jesus.

We are still setteling in, we are in "our home" now but will take some time to get everything together we just have to keep reminding ourselfes we are now on Swazi time and that is a lot slower than US time, just takes longer for things to come together.Diane is in South Africa for the next few days with Sandra another cup missionary (Sandra for some R&R Diane for shopping for more things for the house) so please pray for their safety.Next week we both hope to be able to focus more on the medical program and just loving on the kids showing them Jesus. As always Thank You to all our supporters and surely Piney Grove for helping us be here to do the work God has called us to do. We will try and up date as often as we can (internet VERY slow). Until next post God Bless you all and know we miss you all.



Anonymous said...

Don and Diane,
What a blessing for you to finally return to Swaziland. I can tell from your posts, that it is a bit more complicated now. Tracy and I are hoping if all goes well, the Lord may also bless us in returning to Swaziland. We are praying that your time there will reflect the Lords will.
Heidi Collins

Unknown said...

Hey guys! Glad to see that you are in your new home and getting settled in. We just wanted to let you know that we think of you often and pray for you nonstop. Things here to are the same just different! Life seems to get faster everyday! Not enough time to do all of the to do list around hear! We are starting a new study in SS on the Pupose Driven Life, so keep us all in your prayers, I pray this will bring us closer to Him than we have ever been. We love you guys and look forward to talking to you soon. May the Lord Bless you and Keep you may His Face Shine on You everyday! Thank you for being our hands and feet. Lots of Love from the Coates

Anonymous said...

Hey Donald and Diane,
Thank the Lord you made it to Swaziland safety. Sounds like you are settling in pretty good. We miss you at Piney Grove. We know the Lord will use you guys in a mighty way, to up built his kingdom. We will continue to pray for you. Lots of Love,
Ben & Rudy

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are finally doing what you where called on to do. Hope things continue to go well for the both of you. Praying for you all the time.