Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Remembering a year ago today "My birthday" the first time Diane and I were in Swaziland at our first care point stop where an over privileged spoild american was honored by over two-hundred under privileged Swazi children that sang happy birthday to me. To date that was the best birthday ever, no there was no cake with many candles, no ballons or many brigthly wrapped birthday gifts but just an awsome knowledge of knowing just how very blessed I (we) are. It was also two days from now a year ago that God confiremen in mine amd Diane's heart that this would be our new home, the place that HE was calling us to help minister to those most vaugnerable and very vauluable children. It is just but a few months now God willing we will be back in that place God has called us to. Please keep us and our families in your prayers during this time of transsition for us and espesially the children of Swaziland. Thank you all our supporters and for a wonderful church family. To God be the glory great thing He is doing.