Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Long time no blog

Sorry it has been so long between blogs. We have been very busy.
Donald's return from Swaziland was good, no flight problems on the return but he told me when they were on the flight going over they wound up having a 4 hour delay at one of the stops for them to repair something on the engine.
While he was there the team treated around 1700 children and adults. There were a large number who came to know the Lord during their 5 days working in the clinic. "To God be the Glory".
Donald said he would not have come home if it would have been possible for me to join him, things there are worse than when we were there in August 2007.
We attended a meeting at one of our local churches last week and enjoyed the music and preaching, Met a wonderful young missionary couple and received a lot of pointers.
We are now trying to get our information printed on brochures and prayer cards.
Still working on our support and need your prayers. Special thank you to all for everything you do for us.
Thanks for hanging in there with us....God Bless and will try to write again a lot sooner than last.

Love you all..