Lot of things going on...Last week we had servolution and each day we went into various places and showed God's love for everyone. One day windshields (windscreens as they are called here) were washed for customers at three local petrol stations, one afternoon paid parking slips at the local grocery store was given to the patrons, and on one day (pictures included) we had a fun day at a local day care, puppet shows, face painting, coloring and drawing, and even a jumping castle. It was wonderful to see the faces of these children.
I was busy most of that week under the house of our neighbor Sandra with an electric sewing machine making decorative curtains to hang up in the HPC church sanctuary for the young adults and for our Easter services. >.the young adults of HPC were the ones serving other young adults from the area who were invited. Don and I helped with the serving of the food, we had cooked at Ben & Susan's house earlier that day, it consisted of Boer worst, chicken, peas, rice carrots..it was really nice. Don was the "grill master"/ We were up till after midnight helping wash/ dry and put away dishes that were used to feed around 100 young adults. Needless to say it was a very long day but very rewarding.
Really excited about several things that will be happening and we will be preparing for in the next several months.
1. A new sewing class will start when the children return to school,break for 3 weeks starts at the end of next week.
2. Don will be traveling with Ben and others to Zimbabwe to help with a medical mission there.
3. Some members (including our Home pastor and his wife) along with 10 others from our church will be coming over for a mission trip in September...and we will be the leaders while they are here..as they will actually see what their support has been for.
4. Hopefully our daughter, grandson and son-in-law will be coming for a visit in October.
In between all of the above there will be several groups coming over for mission trips and we will be leaders of some of them and new missionaries that will be joining us later this year. With some of the changes here with the government and schools please pray for all the children.
Please join us in prayer for all these task that God has given to us to be a part of.
Want to say thank you for all your support and prayers. God has Blessed all of it.
Will write again soon...Love you all !!! Don & Diane