Well gald to say the yard sale was a success. We sold around 470.00 in about 4 hours. Big thank you to my special loving daughter, Amanda who was the the one who brought the family together for this idea and taking the reigns :) (she took these pictures and is not in any of them :( ..
..and a special thanks to my sis who went to bed at 1:30am and woke at 5:00am to set out all the items for sale with the help of head lights from the truck in the dark , thanks Sherry :P,
and my sis in law, Suzie for the breakfast from "Bo's" of course I can't leave out the men....what can I say...Love you all....
There will be another sale here at our house in the next few weeks a Moving sale, everything must go....
Keep us in your prayers. Time is ticking bye..
Till next blog...